Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Rehearsal Break

I play in a university orchestra as an alumni member, and tonight we played one of Tchaikovsky's symphonies. I shall have to practice a little more, and work on my rhythms. I like the zest and vigour in certain parts of the Symphony.

Even though I don't sit for any university examinations, many of the members in the orchestra do. As such, tonight will be the last rehearsal for the term, and subsequently, the orchestra will be having a rehearsal break at least till end of November. I will miss playing with the orchestra for quite a while. Playing solo on the double bass is often not as exciting and inspiring as playing with the orchestra. I very much enjoy the interactions between every member in the orchestra. We play music, and we interact through music. This is certainly interesting and amazing how so many people could come together for a common purpose, to play a piece of music and sound together.

Until my orchestra starts rehearsing again, I suppose Wednesdays will be spent either practising on the double bass, or going out. Otherwise, I could use the time to read or while it away by idling. Idling can be good for one at times if done moderately. So does playing a fair amount of music.

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