Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Wet evening

I attended the concert titled Conservatory Orchestra Series Rachmaninoff's Second earlier the night. It was alright. I congratulate them for a successful concert. The turnout was pretty good, and it seemed that the management of the conservatory was pretty pleased with the concert.

I wish I could be on stage playing one of those double basses. I think the double basses will love me and sound loud and clear with me. Please pardon me if I had sounded overly confident. It must have been the effects of the night. Anyway, I will love to play Brahms Symphony No. 1 once again. The only comforting thing is that I had heard it just a few hours ago at the concert.

Anyway, I think I was rather tired from work. As such, there were several moments when I could not keep myself fully alert to listen to the music played in the concert. So to be fair, I shall not be too much of a critique for this concert.

As the title of this post suggests, the evening was a rather wet one. It rained on my way to the concert venue. Just before I went to the concert venue, I went to buy tickets for the Singapore Arts Festival. There was this Red Carpet Promotion for all Artsfest Club members and I was one. The discount was one thing that draws, but more importantly, it was the priority booking.

Meantime, I shall end the post here. I keep my fingers crossed that tomorrow will be a day of fine good weather.

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