Friday, August 19, 2005

Beaded Trinkets

Proudly presenting Goldilocks' other blog: Beaded Trinkets.

I remember a few years ago, I signed up for a wiring (cum jewellery making) course with her but she could not attend it at the last minute. Later after the course ended, I spent a day with her to share with her what I learnt. Fast-learner she has been. Now, it is pleasant to know that she has came so far and she has done so much beaded jewelleries.

For myself, after that sharing session with Goldilocks (I would address her as JY), I don't remember making much jewellery thereafter. I only found myself analysing how beaded jewlleries in the market are made.

To side track, I guess it does take a lot of commitment to be "married to a double bass" that I have limited time for most things else. Please bear with me.

Anyway, do have a look, I find the jewellery on the site nice. Cheers to JY for the works of art.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, welcome back! Let us now when you recite your trip to Britain. Should I visit your other blog to see the pics? Ok, OK, let's first let you get rid of the jet lag and have some rest. :-]
