Sunday, January 01, 2006

Year 2006 is here

My first moments of the year 2006 were spent standing by the window of my room trying to catch an obstructed view of the fireworks from the Marina Bay Countdown. The fireworks last for what seem to be as long as ten minutes.

Even though I had an obstructed view of the fireworks from my windows, the fireworks still looked lovely from where I stood. Maybe I would have appreciate more of its beauty had I been nearer the site where the fireworks are lit up to the skies. Yet, when one lost some, one may gain some others?


I was actually at the Esplanade - Theatres on the Bay in the evening yesterday, but decided to eventually head for home. I was too tired to wish to be in the crowd. All I ask for the New Year is peace. World peace and peace of my mind. Home now offers a slightly more peaceful environment with the ending of the trade fair.

The thing about staying home when people are out for count-down events is that one avoids being stuck in the crowd. In addition, one could easily head for sleepland soon after the count-down is over, and not have to stay up too late in the night. Pardon me, as you could guessed from the tone of my writing, I have not been a night-person.

For now, I am starting to feel envious of and happy for Msfeline for being able to catch the fireworks at Marina Bay. It must have been delightful. May the beautiful sights of the fireworks bring her lots of goodwill and fulfilment for the year of 2006.

Wishing the same for all of your too. Wishing you a year of lots of goodwill, fulfilment and peace.


  1. the fireworks were fabulous this year. i managed to catch them for the whole 10 mins too! they were also very loud and i could feel the vibrations on my railings and the lights were so bright at some point, it was unbelievable that it could hurt to watch them directly. i could also catch glimpses of the laser lights in the night sky! indeed it must have been one of the better fireworks we've ever had!
    happy new year again, py. i wish you peace for 2006! :)

  2. hey hey!! happy new year~

    i spent most of it...well, ALL of it with family. ;) had bbq n all. was nice n cozy. :D

    ur blogger meet up looked GREAT!!! i wished i could have joined u guys. o well...maybe next time. :)

  3. oceanskies.. HAPPY NEW YEAR and have lovely 2006!!!!! you write beautifully and take wonderful photos.... keep it up! God bless you and your family! :)

  4. Happy New Year PY! Hope it will be a year full of fun and hopes with a peace of mind.

  5. Misti: I think you were much closer to the fireworks than I am. So lucky of you. Anyway, I shall be thankful that I was able to see the fireworks even though I was at least pretty far away from the actually site of the fireworks display (it would have taken me at least 20 minutes of travel on public transport to get there.)

    Yvy: Thanks. Good to hear that your eve was spent nice n cosy.

    Yng Lyn: Thanks for your praise. =)
    Best wishes to your and your family too.

    Simple American: Thanks. I needed some peace.

    Emrah: Hi, Hi. So nice to have you around. Thanks for your wishes.

    Pinkie: Thanks for being around. Yes, Happy New Year to you and your loved ones too.

  6. Happy New Year to you. I'm behind you in time, so it's still the 1st here. I hope you have a year full of peace and calm. (hugs)
