Wednesday, September 27, 2006

How to ease the pain?

It is just 8.27 a.m. in the morning and I can audibly hear the drillings from a nearby unit. The drillings do not make any musical sense to me. I have no wish to imagine them as percussive rhythms with mechanical sound quality.

Thank you for your good wishes, the running nose and the blocked nose that I was having have subsided.

However, the cough has gotten worse. The throat simply feels so irritably itchy, and that makes me cough much more frequently and violently than before. Now the muscles near my chest and abdominal areas hurt whenever I cough. Being sick is such a pain. I could hardly feel like talking to anyone these few days. Any attempt to do so was solely to express myself out of necessity. I can only be thankful that I am literate and can type to express myself. I can sign in simple sign-language (I sign using the Signing-in-Exact-English system) too but I hardly have anyone to sign with.

I went to see the doctor again last evening as the cough has not gotten better. Hearing how bad my voice sounded and the conditions of my health, the doctor gave me medical leave for today and tomorrow so that I can rest my throat. I wish I can feel better soon. It hurts a lot to be coughing so badly but I have no clue how to ease the pain except to follow the instructions to take the medications.

There is still so much work to work on in the office. Then again, life isn't about work. I suppose good health is important to the well-being of one's life. Maybe this bout of poor health is sending me a reminding message?

Now, the drilling continues. Ears plugs do not seem to help. If I feel a little better from the drowsiness caused by the medication, I shall play on the double bass for leisure. I just hope that doing so may help distract me from the noises. I wonder if anyone has invented a cost-effective silent drilling device?

How does one bear with the noises? I would rather, walk out.

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