Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Two unexpected meetings online

Before MSN was made popular, I remember that ICQ was one of the most commonly used softwares that people use for online-chats.

However, nowadays, I hardly have any contact using ICQ on a regular basis, so I have in some ways switched to using MSN. I use the web-based version most of the time.

It has been ages since I have log onto ICQ, but when I strangely decided to do so today, I found myself meeting two friends online on ICQ most unexpectedly. One of them is JY and the other, one of my university friends whom I have not kept in touch for a while. It feels nice to meet friends online.

Moral of the story? Pleasant surprises may unfold when one does things a little different from one's normal routine?

Do you have an unexpected but pleasant incident to share?

1 comment:

  1. aiya, I dun even know how to get in... I bet it's fun and I will try it one day when I have more time :)
