Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Tired and itchy

I am feeling exhausted and itchy now. Itching from the mosquito bites. For some reasons, the mosquitoes in Hainan must have decided to want to give me lots of "souvenirs" to bring back to Singapore.

Since they have no money to buy me gifts, they must have decided to use give me their prized bites as momentos. Actually, could anyone please communicate to those generous mosquitoes that I don't need and care about their precious bites?

Anyway, I am feeling so dead-tired that I can't help trying to find something entertaining to help lift my moods. Jason Heath has a nice post on his blog on the Legendary Schubert "Trout" Quintet documentary. This documentary features a group of legendary musicians. This is one way to soothe me to dreamland...


  1. Itzhak Perlman, Zubin Mehta, and the rest of all the legendary musicians, wow! Thanks PY, for that wonderful link. and thanks to Jason Heath for posting that up. it had me glued.

  2. Misti: Yes. It's a privilege for me to see and hear them play. I shall listen to them again when I am feeling recharged. Good music are worth listening to at any time.

    SA: Oh dear. I wonder why the mosquitoes have such strange preferences?

    Dreaming Neko: This is news to me.
