Sunday, January 07, 2007

Concert's nearing: some thoughts

The upcoming concert on 10 Jan 2007 that I would be playing has some special significance for yours truly. It has been more than four year since I have last performed a double bass ensemble item for a public performance. Years later, when I will perform not one, but three double bass ensemble works, it is an encouraging feeling to know that my playing of the double bass has improved. I have not stagnated, I have grown and developed where playing the double bass is concerned.

From my point of view as a performer, the best thing that could happen on the concert day would be to share the joy of music-making to a hall full of audience. As such, perhaps in my little sense of zealousness, I have been inviting friends and family members to the concert.

There have been, however, many little odds to overcome. The concert falls on a weekday evening and the venue is considered fairly out-of-the-way. The folks may have commitments that they have to attend to that day even if they wish to be at concert. I have to learn that as much as I wish to, not everyone that I have invited could be there on the concert day.

The other little odds to overcome came about because there is no certainty if there would be anyone coming for the concert. The concert is a free-concert where audience need not purchase ticket to attend. It is generous of ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Pte Ltd to sponsor the concert so that chamber music can be made more accessible to the community. On the other hand, since no ticket needs to be sold, it may be difficult to have a good gauge of the number of people who would turn up for the concert. I don't know if it would be helpful to just simply learn to trust that there will be people who will come for the concert despite its time and venue.

On the marketing side, there are good publicity materials that have printed to advertise for the event. I am for the opinion that no matter how good the publicity material is, a marketing plan is successful only if it can reach its key target audience. I shall be able to approximately gauge the degree of success of the marketing and publicity plan on the day of the concert by the turnout.

Small things do matter. Acroamatic has been most kind to help publicise for the concert in one of his recent posts. Many thanks to Acroamatic.

Where preparation for the concert is concerned, I am privileged to work with three other fellow double bassists who have made sacrifices in their time to rehearse and prepare for the concert. In case no one knows, despite the ups and downs that we had, I have been enjoying every moment of the rehearsals and the photo-taking session that we have had.

Last but not the least, perhaps one of the odds that I hope I could overcome is that of poor health. I have been battling an infection for the past weeks, and I shall keep my fingers crossed that it would be cleared. Wish me good health, and a good time playing at the concert.

If possible, do come for the concert. I hope to be able to play for you at the concert.

Details can be found here:

ExxonMobil Campus Concert
A Journey Through Time

By NUS Symphony Orchestra
Presented by NUS Centre For the Arts
Sponsored by ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Pte Ltd
Wed, 10 Jan 2007, 7.30 p.m.
NUS Theatrette, Lecture Theatre 13 (LT13)
Free Admission

-String Quartet in E minor "From my life" (Smetana), 1 st movement
-Suicidal Tendencies (Emily Koh)
-Flute Quartet in D major K. 285 (Mozart)
-Malaguegna, Op.21, No.1 by Pablo de Sarasate
-Passacaglia (Duo for Violin and Viola) by Halvorsen
-Habanera (Bizet); Argonaise (Bizet )
-Tchaikovsky's Neopolitanian Dance (from "Swan Lake"); J.S. Bach's Minuett; I. Berlin's Ragtime
-Mendelssohn's String quartet Op. 13, Movements 3 & 4

Also see: Upcoming: 10 Jan 2007 - A Journey Through Time


  1. i wish you all the best for your concert. you'll do well, don't worry. just remember to enjoy your performance! that is half the battle won. good luck! and cheers to your team mates too!

  2. Hey, it's your birthday today right? If I got it right, Happy Birthday! Um... if not then Happy Birthday in advance?

  3. Misti: Thanks. I keep my fingers crossed that we won't be playing to a half-empty hall after so much effort put in....

    M: Thanks for the thoughts...but my birthday is at least five months away. I am a Taurus.

  4. Pinkie: Thank you. I keep my fingers crossed.

    SA: Yes, NUS means National University of Singapore.
