Thursday, January 11, 2007

Million thanks to Eastcoastlife

This post is specially dedicated to Eastcoastlife.

It was way out of my expectations that Eastcoastlife came for the concert earlier on 10 Jan 07. Firstly, I have probably only known her through blogging less than a few months ago. Secondly, the venue and the timing can deter some folks from coming to support the concert, unless they enjoy classical music. Thirdly, I have gotten so used to reading text-messages that go: "Sorry, I can't come to listen to the concert at the last minute", that I dare not to harbour a single glimpse of hope that anyone I would know would ever come for the concert (except for my orchestra's double bass tutor, GM, and several of the folks from the NUS Symphony Orchestra).

I am deeply touched and grateful to Eastcoastlife for making time, and travelling all the way from her cosy territory in the East of Singapore to the possibly foreign Southwest end of Singapore.

Thanks a million, Eastcoastlife. I don't know how I can ever repay your kindness. I shall pay it forward if I have any chance to do so.

Eastcoastlife was so kind to have got me a bouquet of beautiful roses. She shouldn't fault, I should have stressed to her that her presence to the concert is already a great gift to me. Thank you Eastcoastlife, once again.

Eastcoastlife has quite an interesting blog. One of her recent posts writes about how to get paid to read her blog. Check her blog out at:

1 comment:

  1. Aaaawwww! This is touching. I had fun at the concert and I enjoyed it. I'm glad you like the roses.
