Friday, January 12, 2007

One pleasant surprise, and honour

Folks, it has been a very tiring week for me. I have enjoyed myself with practising for the concert on 10 Jan 07, but it has been quite a challenge to juggle my hobby (playing the double bass) with work (I work as a social worker).

With hardly much rest for this week, I felt pretty moody when I reached home earlier tonight. With four walls to face, no mood to talk, but lots of feelings of melancholy to express, I could only seek some relief in writing. Having a blog and being able to write on a regular basis has been a source of therapy for me.

But before I started to write for today, I was reading the blogs of the folks on my blogroll. I had a pleasant surprise when I saw my initials appearing as the title of one of Simple American's most recent post.

After reading the post, I felt it was my great honour to be mentioned on Simple America's blog. Thank you very much Simple American. I am touched by your sweet gesture.

To the folks who were being "hijacked" (I like the term LB had used, so here's borrowing it), welcome to my humble blog. Thank you for visiting. If you would like to join me onboard some of my past walks about various places, you could check out the posts under the section "Highlights" (found on the right-hand sidebar of this blog) as well as my other blog, Places.


  1. and to think that i started on this journey with you, after chancing upon your blog and congratulating you on the passing of your music exam! more than a coincidence i should say! :)

  2. PY,
    When you tell me you are a social worker, I went oh-oh. It can be a depressing job and you are quite a pessimist. You are cautious, soft, melancholic, a loner.... tats what I find about you through your posts. I apologised if I'm wrong.

    You are so young, there's a lot to look forward to. Maybe you need to mix with me more often... hahaha.

    Girl, any time you need a listening ear, can call me. PM me for my phone or email.

  3. Hi Misti: thanks for accompanying me on my journey.

    Eastcoastlife: You sound like quite an optimist. I do look at the brighter side of things, but I think I have quite a sensitive and melancholic soul, and I often feel out-of-place with the world.

    Thanks for the offer of a listening ear. I appreciate your kindness. that means I have to figure out where I left your phone and email address. But I guess I may end up not requiring a listening ear. I tend to be more expressive in writing than verbally.
