Sunday, December 23, 2007

Greek Masterpieces from the Lourve

Fascinated with Greek mythology and the lives of ancient Greek?

I visited the National Museum of Singapore to catch the Greek Masterpieces from the Lourve exhibition just a week ago. This is quite a rare exhibition in Singapore. According to the publicity material, I read that 'many of the exhibits that are presented in the above-mentioned exhibition are in fact ''leaving the Lourve for the first time ever since they were accessioned into the collection''.

I have no picture of the exhibition to show since I have no permission to take photos at the exhibition. Anyway, after my visit to the exhibition last week, I got home and read up about the history of the ancient Greek and some of the Greek mythology. Here are a few online sites that I visited:

Greek Masterpieces from the Lourve will be showcased at the National Museum of Singapore from 9 Dec 07 - 16 Mar 08. I recommend that people who are new to the way of life of the ancient Greek could attend one of the guided tours. Please check the museum's website for more information.

Last but not the least, you may be interested to know that there is free admission to Greek Masterpieces from the Lourve, the Singapore History Gallery and Singapore Living Galleries of the National Museum of Singapore on Christmas Day, 25 Dec 2007. It is worth a checking out.


  1. Hi PY, thanks for dropping by my blog. I will be going to the exhitbit of Pompeii this Wednesday. I love all these ancient exhibits. Merry Christmas to you and family.

  2. Thanks for highlighting this exhibition! I rarely have time to check out the museum websites for new exhibitions (someone should start an RSS feed for this) so mostly I only get to know of them through friends' blogs.

    Ancient Greece and Greek mythology has always been a subject of fascination for myself, and I'm sure many others too. Would be sure to pay a visit! The no-photography rule is a real downer though.

  3. Dawn: Thank you for your wishes. Enjoy the visit to the exhibit of Pompeii.

    Veron: My pleasure. Hope you will get to enjoy the exhibition. Will you be taking part in the Heritage in Pictures Contest?
