Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Unconditional Love

During a meeting today, the concept of "Unconditional Love" was brought up briefly. This concept has been often brought up during professional meetings held at my workplace. Today, I felt like sharing this concept with readers reading this blog.

Upon reflecting upon my practice with people from all walks of life, I wonder: Would unconditional love, starting with loving oneself unconditionally, be one of the answers that could help people heal from very painful or bitter life experiences?

I don't have the answer.

Anyway, here's sharing Unconditional Love (starting with you) by Kathy Brandt. It is quite an insightful read.

As I reflected, I could at least say that I have been practising the use of unconditional love when interacting with people close to me, particularly on friends and family members that I hold dear in my heart. Then again, possibly, my unconditional love for my parents may not be able to match the love that they probably have for me.

On the side, here's wishing my Mum safety and all the best for the day surgery that she will be going for tomorrow.