Thursday, December 30, 2010

17 Nov 2010: I'm back in Port Stephens

17 Nov 2010, Wed:

I was excited to be back in Port Stephens once again. I felt thankful that I had taken the extra step to book for a dolphin watching cruise with the tour agent just to make sure that if I had not met any dolphin on 15 Nov 2010, I could hopefully catch sight of a wild dolphin on another day. Would I see any dolphin when I return to Port Stephens on 17 Nov 2010?

The coach brought the tour group to Port Stephens from the Australian Reptile Park. When I caught sight of d'Alboro Marinas at Nelsons Bay, I felt a positive sense of familiarity as if I was back home. Before the cruise started, we were given some time to have our lunch. Some of the members of the tour had signed up for the packages where they could have lunch onboard the cruise. For myself, I had initially wanted to have lunch at the Rock Lobster Seafood Restaurant but since it was busy with many guests, so I changed my mind and settled for a meal from Subway.

The cruise operator for our dolphin-watching cruise was Moonshadow Cruises. The cruise was a huge vessel. There was even a small bar that was serving chips and light refreshment. When it was 1.30 p.m., the cruise set sail in search for dolphins. On the cruise, I happily enjoyed the breeze onboard and the beautiful scenery.

The cruise was one-and-a-half hour in duration. When someone shouted "dolphins", everyone onboard the cruise got ourselves ready to marvel at the beauty of the dolphins. We saw several pairs of dolphins. See if you spot where the dolphins were in the photograph below.

The staff of Moonshadow Cruises were well-organised and were thoughtful. They helped to ensure that all passengers get their chance to be as close to the viewing deck as possible so that everyone could enjoy a glimpse of dolphins swimming in the wild. One pair of dolphins swam right under the cruise vessel and I had the pleasure to catch glimpses of them swimming with the cruise.

I was busy admiring the dolphins swimming so I have no good photograph to show. Here is a link to Port Stephens' Facebook page where you can catch a glimpse of how it would be to see dolphin swimming:!/video/video.php?v=449978987884

Here is a video taken from Moonshadow's website:

After a hearty viewing of the dolphins, the dolphins seemed to find themselves another place to rest. Moonshadow Cruises have its special way to delight its guests. After viewing wild dolphins, we were treated to the ambassador of Moonshadow, a dolphin mascot! Everyone who had wanted to, could get up very close to our dolphin mascot.

The Moonshadow Cruises also arranged for a special swim for the eager guests right onboard the cruise. There was a special net area where one could happily swim away as the cruise vessel moved. Did you see how much the children and guests have enjoyed themselves?

My favourite part of the cruise was to enjoy watching dolphins and to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Now I could happily share that I have seen dolphins swimming in the wild. I am extremely grateful for the chance to see the dolphins onboard the cruise.

People and moments that I am grateful for:
1) Here I thank the thoughtful staff members from Moonshadow Cruises for organising the cruise and making it a memorable experience.
2) I am grateful for the beautifully good weather.
3) I am thankful that I have managed to see dolphins swimming in the wild. This was one of my key aims of my trip.

New things that I did:
1) I saw dolphins swimming in the wild. Yeah!

My learning points:
1) When we want to accomplish something that is dear to us, make contingency plans and allow for room to make as many attempts as possible. In order to ensure that I get to see whales and dolphins, I had planned for two separate trips to Port Stephens. This was worthwhile.
2) In the event that we have yet to achieve our desired outcome, be happy anyway. At the very least, we have tried our best.

With this post, I wish you delight in whatever you care to do.

Moonshadow Cruises

Shop 3, 35 Stockton Street
Nelson Bay, New South Wales 2315
Tel: +61 (0) 2 4984 9388
Fax: +61 (0) 2 4984 9788

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