Monday, May 23, 2011

6 May 2011: The rest of the day

6 May 2011 (Fri): The title of this post is most apt. After boarding the ferry to head for Circular Quay, the Canon Digital IXUS 1000HS camera's battery decided to take intermittent rest. By the evening, it was almost at total rest mode. Thank goodness, at the end of the night, a battery recharge back in our apartment room revived the battery back to life again.

The rest of the day was restful in nature, I hope. While on the ferry heading from Watsons Bay to Circular Quay, I admired the beautiful views of the Sydney harbour. Sydney Opera House definitely caught my eyes. The Sydney Harbour Bridge also captivated my attention. I strongly recommend a ferry ride in the evening in Sydney.

My mother was kind to go along with my wishes for another ferry ride. We took the next available ferry to Milsons Point. The ferry brought us to Luna Park, which was situated right next to Milsons Point wharf. At Luna Park, my mother shared with me her positive memories riding on a carousel when she was a child.

Luna Park has many interesting rides. I learnt that Luna Park is a superbly restored 1930's amusement park. It was reopened in 2004 under a new management. One could walk about Luna Park free-of-charge except that to take the rides, one would have to purchase an appropriate ticket. If you enjoy taking rides to entertain and amuse yourself, be sure to check out Luna Park when you are in Sydney. Luna Park is also a good place for some nostalgia of the 1930's style amusement with modern-day effectiveness.

Luna Park Sydney
1 Olympic Drive
Milsons Point, 2061
Tel: (+61) 2 9922 6644 (Main Office - General Enquiries)

After visiting Luna Park, my mother and I spent some time enjoying the views from Milsons Point. I caught the sight of a beautiful evening skies. Milsons Point is a place for some quiet moments with a pretty good view of the Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge.

We then took a bus to Milsons Point station, and subsequently took a train to the city. I had decided to head for the city via the CityRail train so that my mother could claim that she has crossed the Harbour Bridge on the train! The city-bound train was pretty empty until it reached the city's Wynyard station.

Our destination was Queen Victoria Building (QVB) where we decided to have dinner at Laksa House, located at the basement of QVB. We went there because we met a fellow tourist who had strongly recommended this outlet. There are a number of positive reviews about the food from Laksa House and here is a link to some of the reviews.

I may be too critical. I think there are more fabulous laksa in my hometown of Singapore, so please visit Singapore for better laksa. To give Laksa House the due credit, its laksa seemed to suit the taste of non-Asians who may not be used to spicy flavours. The prices of the laksa were generally affordable too. I had one bowl of vegetable laksa at AUS$6.80 only.

Laksa House
455 George St, Lower Ground, QVB, Shop 17
Sydney 2000

Tel: (+61) 2  92834777

Even though the camera's battery was eager for a rest, the opportunistic yours truly took a few photos of the QVB shopping mall whenever the battery decided to work for a brief moment. Maybe the battery knew that the camera lenses felt that QVB was too beautiful to be missed? Most of the shops closed by 6 p.m. so my mother and I were left to admire the architecture and interior beauty of the QVB.

The day was great. I was grateful for the good weather and my mother who had so willingly went along with my fascinations with walking on foot, travelling on ferries, taking a train to cross the Harbour Bridge and sketching. I was thankful that I had an extra camera to continue taking photographs even when the battery of the official camera wanted a rest. I continue to practise counting my blessings each day.

Please also see: My visit to Sydney, May 2011
All the photos on this post were taken using a Canon Digital IXUS 1000HS camera.

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