Sunday, April 03, 2005

Today's journey

Taken from roof top of Esplanade. Posted by Hello

If you have guessed it, I was at the Esplanade - Theatres by the Bay today.

I woke up pretty late today, at 9 a.m. I figured that it was because I had a bad sleep last night.

The weather this morning was rather dubious. There was hardly any sign of the irritating haze, and the skies were of a fine blue colour. However, the clouds seem to indicate that there will be a rain later the day.

Anyway, I did not want to stay at home, for fear I will get awfully bored and depressed. So I left for Lau Pa Sat. It was once a wet market. Now, it is a place for good food. I had lunch at Lau Pa Sat.

Interior View of Lau Pa Sat. Posted by Hello

Thereafter, I continued my journey. I stopped by Clifford Pier, and the Merlion Park. I did not bring along my sketch book today. I have no mood for sketching today. I took out my camera and tried to take some shots. The shots were not up to my expectations yet.

Next was Esplanade - Theatres by the Bay. I visited the library at the Esplanade for loan of some recordings. Prior to that, I went up to the roof-top. The sunlight at that moment was pretty good for the kind of effects that I had wanted. I took several photographs up the roof-top.

Before I left the Esplanade, I approached the Box Office at the Esplanade to check if there was still any ticket left for the concert Conservatory Orchestra Series Rachmaninoff's Second. I was not able to purchase the ticket to the concert online from SISTIC. Anyway, it was a pleasant surprise that I could still get the ticket today from the Box Office. Thank goodness that I had tried my luck at the Esplanade's Box Office. I am looking forward to listen to Brahm's Symphony No. 1 and Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 2 when I attend that concert.

After the Esplanade, I walked towards the Singapore Art Museum, but did not visit the art museum. Afterwhich, I continued walking. I thought walking may help me get in touch with myself more, but it did not do much help. Anyway, I took it as a form of exercise for myself for having walk from Prinsep Street to Albert Mall to Bugis Junction. Then I took a bus back home. Midway the journey home, it rained.

There seems to be a lot of thoughts running through my mind subconsciously, but there were no appropriate openings to air them to the external world. Firstly, the thoughts are subconscious ones and I have no clue how to express them the way they should be. Today's walking has helped a bit in that it gave me some peace to get in touch with the subconscious thoughts, but somehow it was not easy to get in touch. I should give things more time.

(To view some of the photos that I had taken together, please visit my other blog, and read the post titled: Walking about on 3 April

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