Sunday, April 03, 2005


My mind seems to be in a state of turbulence lately.

The pace out in the external world seems faster than I would have preferred. Many a times I tried to center myself. Sometimes I was able to be successful in centering myself; At other times I rock between the states of turbulence and peace.

How does one quieten the turbulence within? That seems to be an art in itself.

I sometimes wish I do not have to bother with the world out there, and could just go at my pace. Meantime, I could only try to find some value from the rocking from this state of turbulence.


  1. I quiet the turbulence inside by reading a book that takes me somewhere else in my mind, or writing out the problem to gain perspective or singing loudly (playing music for you). Exercise helps, too.

  2. Hi Jeanette, thank you for the kind thoughts. Will bear them in mind. Usually I will hum a tune or play music. Walking helps some of the times.
