Monday, April 04, 2005

The Blood Parrot at home

Technically speaking, I am no owner to the fishes at my home. Firstly, I was never the one who have requested to buy them home. Secondly, I do not change the water in the tank for them.

I did not start off feeding them. Strangely, with time, I took the effort to make sure they were fed. Would feeding them make me an owner? I don't see it as such, but I suppose that I would have some stake in the fish being the one who helps to feed them.

The Luohan fish passed away a few months ago. I was no owner of it, but I had helped feed it when it was alive.

Now I have to prepare myself for the eventual demise of one of the Blood Parrot fish. One of them seem to suffer similar fate as the Luohan fish that had passed away. This Blood Parrot fish has not been able to swim upright. In fact, many a times, it is lying upside down. It makes me a little sad to see it like that. But I have no clue how to help it. This poor fish is full of injuries on several parts of its body.

It was only when I surfed the web just to find out exactly what kind of species those fishes were that I found out they were Blood Parrot. It was news to me that Blood Parrat were man-made cross-bred fish. For more reading, you may like to visit:

No mood to close this post, so I shall leave it as such.

1 comment:

  1. if you pass by an aquarium, and the "uncle" inside looks friendly, ask him for advice. this was how i learnt initially, and later got more info from books. there are medicines for this sort of thing, upside down swimming, white spots, torn fins, lost appetite, hidding, etc. most of the time, its just a squirt of the required medication and the fish will be fine.
