Saturday, April 08, 2006

Kunstemaecker was there

I read this post titled Tea in a temple by June on It is a post about Fu Tak Chi.

It reminded me that our fellow blogger, Kunstemaecker, was there about a few months ago. I remembered walking into Fu Tak Chi Kunstemaecker on his very first day in Singapore, before we headed for dinner with Misti and Msfeline. I can still remember one of the staff asking Kunstemaecker and myself if we had wanted a cup of tea.

If you are trying to imagine how Fu Tak Chi looks like and what it is, it might be easier to just click on the following link to read the post:

Singapore may be small, but there are still a lot of things to experience right here. Now, the question is, will Kunstemaecker and the fellow overseas bloggers who visit this blog visit Singapore in the near future? *winks*


Anonymous said...

Yes! I remember but we only wanted to look around haha. We're so cheap. hahaha.

oceanskies79 said...

SA: Hope to see you around.

Kunstemaecker: Oh dear, could I have led your astray? I usually go to places with free or minimal admission rates....