Thursday, February 18, 2010

Free Lease for a good cause

Many of us may have many ideas that come to us each and every day. Some of these ideas may seem raw and yet these ideas may be inspirations for greater and more refined ideas.

I am writing this post in the hope that maybe some of my seemingly strange ideas may be inspirations for greater ideas to come. This post is part of the ideas for a better world series.

There are a lot of shopping malls in Singapore. This idea isn't new. It is an idea of getting shopping malls to give a percentage (e.g. 5 %) of its space for free to a worthy cause. One example I can think of is The Giving Place, that Far East Organization has generously gifted to the National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre (NVPC).

So, here are some of my raw ideas of how the free spaces could be used:

1) A practice studio for a strings quartet or double bass ensemble. The concept can be that of a sound-proof studio with see-through windows and some seats for members of the public to listen to the live rehearsal. This can served as a place for music-making and for the lay-person in the community to experience the process of music-making. The quartet or ensemble can even invite members of the public for hands-on session at stipulated time.

2) Provide free lease for enterprising people from low-income background to start a business on their own. Free lease for up to two years will be given based on a set of selection criteria and recommendations by social service agencies. This will enable people who want to help themselves start a business by giving them help with free lease. Perhaps the only sugestion is that if the business does well, the tenant who enjoyed the free lease could make donations to a fund that provides some start-up seed funding to other deserving beneficiaries.

In my work as a social worker, I have come across people from modest low-income background who have brilliant organisational skills, wonderful culinary skills, skillful hands and so forth.

3) A drop-in centre for youths managed by youth and community volunteers?

I shall stop here for now since it's time for me to turn in. Do add to the ideas please.


tuti said...

you have a kind and giving heart.
i hope some of the ideas will take fruition one day.

oceanskies79 said...

Thank you Tuti. I am still practising how to live life better.

Richard Yap said...

We share similar ideas. Alot of resources are horded and not fully utilised.

A simple idea such as car-pooling, use one light bulbs instead of two (the brightness is still the same) in corridors etc.

pinkie said...

where do we submit our ideas?

I'm not for destroying natural environment if it's a bare land to be used. If it's existing space with concrete walls, that can be put into good use for a good cause, whatever it may be.

oceanskies79 said...

Richard: Thank you for commenting.

From time to time, I do see shops that are vacant. Following from your trend of thought, rather than just keep them vacant, I wonder if it would be beneficial to the community to let those spaces be leased for free to meaning causes.

Pinkie: Here, I am referring to using free spaces (or allocating spaces) in an existing building for more meaningful causes rather than for solely commercial purposes.

As for how to contribute ideas, you could add to the comment, or start writing more ideas on your blog? Or email me your ideas, and I put them up and credit you for your ideas?

eastcoastlife said...

Free lease might be wishful thinking, the mall could make a tidy profit from their shopping space. Charging a nominal fee might be workable.

oceanskies79 said...

ECL: Thanks for sharing your thoughts. That helps give me a better sense of how others may perceive my ideas, and help see how to make them more feasible.