Friday, November 02, 2007

Trigger-finger's back

I am not sure if the trigger-finger condition that my left little finger is experiencing would be permanent. I am starting to feel discouraged. For a while, the finger had felt better for the past couple of weeks. However, just a few days ago, it is becoming more uneasy and stiff to move the last joint of the finger. I had thought it would just improve with time, but I have yet to experience so.

Maybe the consoling thing would be the stiffness wasn't as bad as what I have experienced a few months ago, and at least I could play the double bass nevertheless.

Would complete recovery happen?


mistipurple said...

rest it a bit. give it chance to heal. and don't worry. i know of a good surgeon who can help. but only when it comes to that point ok? not now.

pinkie said...

Agree with misti... better take care for now...

eastcoastlife said...

I don't think it is so bad that it requires surgery, that would be the last resort.

You can go back to see Master Goh. I'm sure it's the joints not being aligned.