Monday, February 27, 2006

Fresh air, a luxury

It was suffocating to wake up this morning to find the air rather smoky. That was simply not the best way to start a day. Not for yours truly who does not like smoky air.

On the way to work this morning, I could easily noticed that the air indeed looked smoky. I wonder what has happened to the air?

A sense of frustration seems to linger in the air, but I could not exactly tell why. It just happened. Maybe the poor air conditions are making me feel stifled?

I could only try to visualise living in a world of fresh air. When I was in Aberdeen, Scotland, in August last year, the air was pleasantly fresh.

I hate to jump to conclusions: Am I just at the wrong place, at the wrong time? How do I set things right? Maybe I should be offered fresh air, which is for now, a luxury? I only ask to breathe, deeply and naturally.


pinkie said...

maybe it's best not to compare here with elsewhere and feel worse?

Smoky or not, I'll be out anyways...

ruoxin said...

whether smoky for a reason or not, it has made me sick. and still sick. :s