Sunday, February 12, 2006

Walking under the stars

Singapore River Hongbao

Under the dark skies
Under the stars
One walks
In search of what may bring light
To the dark nights


On Friday (10 Feb 2006), one of the places that I had visited was the site of the Singapore River Hongbao. Somehow, with the contrast between the dark skies and the bright colourful lights from the various displays, that site radiated a greater festive mood at night than in the daytime.

Dark skies. They serve a particular function, that is, to bring out the colours of the night.


mistipurple said...

day and night, dark and bright, they are the same places though inspiring different feels at different times. quite thought provoking if dwelled on.

goldilocks said...

lovely photos taken

oceanskies79 said...

come over one day SA, right, JY and misti?