Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Music theory didn't excite me lately

During the last music theory lesson, I was assigned three questions for my homework. I now have one more question out of three questions to complete. I had intended to attempt that last question for this set of homework tonight, but I don't have a mood to do so yet.

I had spent more than half an hour on one of the two questions that I had completed. Maybe my energy level hasn't been at its optimal of late, I almost felt like not doing my homework. Some homework are simply very demanding of the mind. Thank goodness I was only given three questions. I had asked if I should be doing more. Now, as I looked back, I am glad that my music theory tutor said three was enough.

I wonder how learning about harmony could help me appreciate playing music better? I still have yet to learn to see the link. I am just believing that it would help.

This topic on harmony seems like a great challenge. I hope I would master the basics one day.


mistipurple said...

i share with you this view though i may be wrong. it was through many experiences that i draw this conclusion. if the teacher teaches it well, it will not be a problem, and will be easy to comprehend. i struggled with various aspects of music, theory and practical, and have had countless tutors. the ones who made life totally easy were the ones who were able to explain things and opened 'the door' instantly.
i made it through keyboard harmony practical instead of the usual aural that candidates took. i breezed through it because the teacher made it absolutely, ridiculously easy to understand. my theory, likewise, was taught by one, who had a strange method, but was again, totally 'brainless' on my part.
may i indulge and take more of your time here. the practical exam plus the scales, which was a total war zone to me, was again, taught by someone who totally
'saw' through the whole ball game. i am saying this, because i did struggle many many years with those exams, till i met the many teachers who 'opened those doors'. it was not an easy road for me also, till i met them. alas, many of them are not around anymore, or else i would have recommended them to you. *wink*

oceanskies79 said...

Hi Misti, thanks for sharing. I guess things would have been worse if I had studied Grade 6 theory all on my own, like how I studied for Grade 5 theory.