Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Ripping apart

For the past few days, I have been feeling the sensation of having knots in the guts and a feeling that I am ripping apart. Admittedly, I have been feeling very frustrated of late. The sense of mismatch and out-of-sync could have probably contributed to the feelings of frustrations.

My body seems to be trying to send signals to me. I have yet to make some sense of what my body is trying to tell me. I wish to hear the message that's deep down.

Pardon me if you hear me singing out loud. I have found that this is one way that helps to bring me some relief from that sense of pain and feelings of being ripped apart. *And I sing*

I am trying to bend and not break, even though I sense that I may be reaching the breaking point soon. I wonder if the recent challenges are merely to let me know that I can be stronger than I think I am? At the same time, I am careful not to push myself more than my limits could bear.

Thank you to those who have offered your kindness and listening ears.


mistipurple said...

dearest py, see a good doc. cannot go on like this. sounds very suffering. *hugs*

oceanskies79 said...

Misti: I don't know if a doctor would be able to help....the feelings appear induced by external factors.... like W***.

mistipurple said...

o dear, i can't make out that word, though it seems like it's something i should know. i am sorry i am slow today.

mistipurple said...

ok, i slept a bit. i think i know what you're saying.

eastcoastlife said...

You should go for a check up, dear! Don't play play. It could be too late if it's some illness. You shouldn't be procrastinating. If you are afraid, I'll accompany you. We go to a hospital.

Doreen said...

Induced by external factor? Hmmm.....w***? What's that? Think think think....I hope it is not serious. Take care PY.

oceanskies79 said...

eastcoastlife: ....I am describing a mixed feeling....and now it seems as if it is related to some illness....:(
Admittedly, I am feeling very stressed of late...

Doreen errr..... it goes like "*o*k"....