Tuesday, March 22, 2005

A little better

The past few days have made me feel rather worn out. Perhaps with poor health, one gets more aware how vulnerable one could be?

It was comforting for me to receive a few well-wishes from readers of this blog. Thank you very much for your concern. I am feeling a little better.

I managed to practise on the double bass a few hours ago. Possibly, this is a good sign that I am not in the worst state of health? I do not usually take initiative to practise on the double bass if I were to be feeling too unwell.

Right now, I am looking forward to this Friday. It happens to be Good Friday, a public holiday. This means I will get an official day off from work that day. I need a break from the work routine.

Too much things on my mind right now. Too much such that I shall end this post with no sense of proper closure.

1 comment:

Goat Almighty said...

great to know youre a little better. and me too. my nose has stopped dripping and i have only a little phlegm left in my throat to hack out.