Monday, March 14, 2005

When my lips are hurting

I do not know why, but I have two wounds on my lower lip. From the way the wounds look, I suppose my dear incisor and canine teeth must have decided to bite on my lower lip while I was chewing my food.

When my lips are hurting, I do not even wish to talk more than is necessary.

When my lips are hurting, my lips get prone to drying up more easily. Then I would need to put on lip-gloss on my lips to keep them moisturised. If I do not keep them moisturised, my lips would hurt not from the wounds, but from the dryness.

When my lips are hurting, even eating hurts. This is especially so when I get food brushing against the wounds.

Thank goodness that the wounds are gradually healing. My lips still hurt, but not as much. Maybe my incisor and canine teeth should learn to look before they land.


mistipurple said...

you might try seeing a doc. i am sure he would have something to "cover" the wound while you heal. i used to have ulcers in my mouth, and i applied something under the brand "kenolog". it is like a paste which acts like a salve, covering the red (or white) swollen area. this is a prescriptive drug.
there is another called "bonjela", which you can get from the pharmacies. Non prescriptive. I have not used it before but many of my friends have tried it.

you seem to have "heaty" symptoms. try drinking "harmless cooling" drinks. (incase its too "strong" for you.)
barley, chrysanthenum, chinchow, papaya or red watermelon, not all at once of course! :o

oceanskies79 said...

Hi Mistipurple, thank you for the suggestion. I am open to try the cooling drinks you have suggested.

I am not quite keen on Bonjela. I remembered that I have tried it before, and I ended up with a sore throat. So I have never tried Bonjela since. But I guess I shall refrain from eating spicy and hot food, that may help reduce the possibility of discomfort.

Thanks again.

Goat Almighty said...

take care. drink lotsa water. i'm a little heaty too. of all days to fall sick... urgh.