Monday, January 02, 2006

Dispirited rants

Taken from Merlion Park, Singapore.

I am not sure if I have fallen ill. The head seemed so heavy just now.

About an hour ago, I was practising on my husband, the double bass. Yet, moods and motivations were low and I did not go beyond practising for 20 minutes. Merely did some exercises and soon the head seemed heavy again.

The thing that I have to be thankful for is that I actually did not sound too bad on my instrument even though I have neglected this husband of mine for at least a month. I have no inclination to play on it and fight against the noises of the trade fair while the fair was on. This husband of mine must have been the most obliging ones around for me. He made no protest that I had neglected him for so long, and yet sound so nicely when I return to him again.

Maybe my body is urging me to rest? For in my mind, I have not much mood to be out travelling on my foot today. Yet, it has been stifling to be at home wondering what is wrong with oneself.

What may make me feel more alive?


Marc said...

sounds to me like you need a vacation. Go somewhere exotic. try re-discovering yourself.

pinkie said...

I like the way you describe your husband and tat's surely a good one.

Hope you are okay...

oceanskies79 said...

Hi M., thanks for the suggestion. I'm trying to rediscover myself as I do my walks about the various parts of Singapore. (Isn't Singapore exotic in some ways? *Winks*)

Pinkie: Thanks for coming by. =)