Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Headaches and the pains

Am suffering a headache.
It is too noisy to sleep.
Even when I am wearing a ear plug.
Maybe I need to relocate and live in a library?
What are the possible remedies to ease the pain?


mistipurple said...

i am so sorry you are suffering so much. is there something more concrete that can be done? do you need to rent a place that's quieter? a room is also feasible as a whole apartment is too costly in a good locality, where it can be safe and quiet.

Marc said...

I don't know if this is a good idea, but perhaps you might like to consider going on a short holiday somewhere where you are surrounded by nature instead of concrete? East Malaysia's a pretty good place to be. Stay in a long house in a village. Go back to basics.

I am a little like you. I yearn for peace, quiet and the occasional solitude. I loathe malls and crowds and the city life. I did find some peace going up to Bukit Timah Hill once in awhile and wander off the beaten path, sit under a tree for awhile and soak in the calmness and peace.

oceanskies79 said...

Misti: Thanks for your concern. I wish I could, shall have to source for the means to do that, won't I?

M: Thanks for the suggestion. I have been to Sarawak and I have enjoyed myself there. Shall consider finding a spot for peace. (I must however admit I fear not being able to adjust to rural living conditions).