Saturday, October 21, 2006

Climbing the stairs

A week ago, I met a neighbour while I was in the lift of our block. She told me that the lift at our block has been breaking down very often. Here's a snippet of what I remember from my conversation with her:

PY: Oh really?

Neighbour: Yes, at least once or twice a week. Usually near dinner-time when people comes home from work.

PY: Oh. I didn't realise this. Perhaps it is because I usually don't come home at that time.

There is now lift-upgrading works going on. There are two lifts at the block of flat that I am living in. One lift is now undergoing the upgrading works, and only the other lift can be used to carry passengers. I shall correct myself. Now, the only lift that is operating is also used to carry loads of construction debris and materials.

Yesterday evening, I decided not to stay too late in office, so I went home and reached the void deck of my block by around 7 p.m. I went into the lift, pressed the lift button but the lift did not move. It took me a few minutes to realise that the lift, the only operating lift, was not working.

After calling the lift-maintenance unit to request for someone to look at the issue, I decided I could muster some energy to climb up my way home. My flat unit is more than twenty-storeys from the ground level, though. The only good thing was that I was beginning to recover some of my strength after a very bad episode of poor health.

One-step-at-a-time. I climbed up each step of the stairs, taking moments of rest at every few levels. I decided not to wait for the repairman to come, because based on past experiences, it seems that it would take the technical person at least an hour or more to get the lift operating. If that were to be the case, it might be more time-effective for me to walk up the stairs.

On my way up, I get to see my neighbours (many whom I have not met) walking down the stairs. Perhaps in resignation? Perhaps they have an appointment later in the evening that they were looking forward to? Perhaps they've decided to walk their way to better health (by exercising)?

Anyway, by the time I reached the level where my flat unit is, I was happy that I survived. I was right, the lift was still not working when I reached home.

I heard that this morning, the lift broke down once again! My father was puzzled why the newspapers was not delivered in time this morning. Only later, did he call and inform that the lift has broken down, and that could be the reason why the newspapers deliveryman was held up. (In Singapore, the normal practice for newspaper deliveryman is to use the lift to transport all the newspaper to the highest level, and then deliver the newspapers from the highest level to the ground level.)

It looks like my neighbour has made a correct observation. I can only hope that the lift doesn't break down as often after the lift-grading exercises. Meantime, I can only hope that the lift gets reapired soon enough if it were to breakdown. It would be better if it doesn't breakdown.

Oh yes, I shall pray that the lift is operating and is in good condition whenever I need to transport my double bass out of my home. I can't imagine carrying my dear double bass more than twenty-storeys down the stairs, and then up again!

My hips are hurting now. I am not sure if this is due to the tedious climb from yesterday. Wish the lift good health though.


pinkie said...

wow, more than twenty floors, I'm luckier, just twenty. Are they upgrading so that the lifts will stop at every floor? Mine already done and they are working fine and pretty fast too :)

In difficult times like this, just gotta console yourself that you are benefiting from the exercise. Wonder how much calories shed after the climb... hmm...

mistipurple said...

i hope your hip pain gets better with rest.