Wednesday, February 07, 2007

My infatuations with...

...the double bass.

Of late, I realised I have been infatuated with the double bass.

I shall be proud to announce that after an extremely long day at work (I only left my office at 10 p.m.), my intense love to practise has motivated me to start practising on the double bass from 11.20 p.m. to 11.50 p.m. I worked on selected sections from the Rondo movement of Keyper's Romance and Rondo. I felt accomplished to be able to play those sections more fluently than I did several weeks again. It was a good feeling.

Had it not been the fact that my mind was starting to lose its concentration due to a long day of mind-challenging work, I might have continued to practise till way before midnight. It felt fun to be working out the fingers and simply feel the vibrations of the double bass. Of course, to be considerate to my neighbours, my dear double bass had to be muted with a practice mute.

Folks, I have been dreaming to get myself a $42K double bass by virtue of my own merits. How am I going to achieve this dream steadily even if it would take time? Share with me your ideas.

1 comment:

Emy said...

work hard.
VERY VERY VERY hard... =)