Sunday, October 31, 2004

Back to Back Meetings

Tomorrow is the start of November. Tomorrow will also be the day that my office starts work at 8.45 a.m. every day. In return, we will work only one Saturday every month. I have no idea how the roster for the Saturdays would be for the month of November, it has not been announced yet. My goodness, November is starting in just one more day's time! Let me keep my fingers crossed that things will turn out fine.

There seems quite a lot to be done tomorrow. I have scheduled many meetings tomorrow, mostly with my clients. The meetings were scheduled back to back, one after another. I think I have to try to write my case recordings during the sessions in order to keep up with my recordings, and not have any outstanding by the end of tomorrow.

My mind has been thinking over the matter of whether to hold a talk for parents at an external venue. Timing seems to be an issue of concern, so is the size of the crowd. Furthermore, there would be cost involved to organise this talk, even though the rental of the venue would be free. Maybe I should just let me mind rest, and then when it's recharged from the rest, it may give me some intuitive insights. I am trying to come up with a plan before my superior goes on her two-week long vacation in a week's time.

But I suppose the reward of having work so hard is that in two day's time, I will be flying off for a leisure trip to Penang. Please be patient with me for the week as I foresee I won't be contributing any post since I will be away for vacation. In return, I shall share with you about my experiences in Penang on my blog after I return. Meantime, thank you for your kind and greatly appreciated support. Have a good weekend.

(For today, I will try to find time to practice scales this afternoon, and try some of the tips my fellow bloggers have generously offered me.)

1 comment:

mistipurple said...

you are a conscientious gal when it comes to work. it looks like you are also systematic. i hope my latest posting on the "weekly timetable" for scales helps. it worked for me, what many years of practising blindly didnt.
enjoy your holiday pei yun!