Tuesday, October 12, 2004

A picture speaks a thousand words

There was a saying, if I have remember correctly, and it goes: A picture speaks a thousand words.

Maybe this saying is a reminder that it is high time to put up some pictures on this blog. Furthermore, I have recently gotten myself an average digital camera. This camera will aid me in taking snap shots of the visual world around me. Without it, I probably won't have sufficient resources and capacity to put up pictures on this blog. Hopefully, I could do the camera some justice. My photography skills are merely that of a layman, I must profess. I shall try to improve as I go along. Please bear with me for the moment.

Thank goodness that I have managed to download the Hello software using my brother's laptop. I have had difficulties doing so on the personal computer that I usually use. That should help start me off with the task of uploading pictures onto this blog.

Having said all these, please be kind and patient with me and the photos that I would be sharing on this blog. I must say that though I may appear to be strong, hey, I can really have a "fragile heart". ^_<

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