Monday, November 29, 2004

Thank you for bearing with me

If I had been quite like the Little Prince's rose, there must have been lots of moments when my words or apparent acts have irritated many. At the same time, if I look deeper, I have words of appreciation to offer for the many people who have been kind enough to bear with me and my many idiosyncrasies. So for this post, I shall write some words of appreciation to these people.

  • To my parents, thank you for putting up with my countless criticisms and fussiness.
  • To my dear brothers, thank you for being so kind to bear with my idiosyncrasies and for giving in to me so often the time.
  • To my colleagues, thank you for bearing with my need to have the air-con turned to low temperature because my sensitive nose seems to get me the bouts of cough when the ventilation gets poor. Thank you for bearing with me with the many times that I just insisted things done in a certain way, and for trying to muster all patience not to get mad at me.
  • To my friends, you must have seen many of the possible idiosyncrasies that I have, and I thank you for being accepting of me neverthelss.

The list can go on, but I shall stop it here. Writing too much may make me too vulnerable than I could bear. Whatever it is, if I had not said it, it is not because I was not aware of how much kindness and patience you have put in to bear with me. If there could be a phrase I could offer as a summarisation of my gratitude and appreciation, I would say "Thank you for bearing with me".

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