Saturday, February 05, 2005

Blogging Therapy

It has been quite therapeutic to write on my blog, I am beginning to realise. This, I shall call blogging therapy?

I am a lady of comparatively fewer words, if you were to know me in person. I tend to be more expressive in writing than in conversing. It is often easier and more comfortable for me to express my feelings and thoughts through my writing, than to share them verbally with others. I won't be surprised if others find me rather hard-to-know. I hardly share my innermost feelings verbally with most people. If I do share them, most likely I do so through writing.

I was surfing the internet, and found a page about: Managing Difficult Emotions. (

I have my share of difficult emotions. A lot came during my junior college and university years, and quite a bit came a year or two after my graduation. Nowadays, I do get upset and have my fair share of some difficult emotions. The thankful thing is that nowadays, these emotions do not seem to persist longer than they would need. Afterall, feelings themselves are probably meant to be transient in nature.

In Managing Difficult Emotions, it listed several ways to manage the experience of feeling overwhelmed by a strong emotion. One of the ways listed was as follow:

Do contact supportive people and talk over your situation. - Sharing your feelings with those you trust can help you to feel normal and not isolated. Writing your feelings down in a private journal is an additional helping step you can take. A recent study showed that survivors of traumatic events lowered their distress levels significantly by journalizing.

I don't think I do share my feelings verbally. Yet by blogging, to some extent, it felt like I have shared my feelings with others through my writing in the blog. Of course, I could have written in such subtle manner sometimes such that many could not decipher the underlying feelings. Whatever it is, I am glad that so far, my readers have been trustworthy and respectful, and they have contributed to making it a comforting experience for me to share my feelings on my blog. Here, I would like to thank my readers for the support and respect that they give when reading my blog. Thank you.

My gift to my readers today is perhaps to share this page on Managing Difficult Emotions. I hope it may come useful to bring comfort to either you or your loved ones when difficult emotions seem to overwhelm. Take care for now.

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