Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Weather Report

A boring title for a tiring day. The weather has been wet lately in that it has been raining many of the times. Today, it rained for a large part of the day and night. As such, when I was outdoors, the streets were noticeably wet. At times, one may find puddles of water on the roads.

Yesterday was also quite a rainy day. I remember that I had to use my umbrella to shelter myself when I was on my way to office yesterday. As such, for people frail like me, please do bring along an umbrella this two months for there would be more rainy days I expect. At least a disposable rain-coat?

I have no idea why there are more rainfalls during this time of the year in Singapore, but I vaguely remember that the rainy season can be attributed to the monsoons. I have not much knowledge about monsoons, so I decided one could read a bit about monsoons from this site:
Enlighten me please if you were know more.

Hardly get to see much sun lately. The skies appear dark many of the times for the past few days. I remember there was some rain on Sunday too. I will miss the sun for a while. But when they are out, I may miss the clouds and the breeze, and light drizzle?

Actually, as I type along, I realise that I don't mind occasional brief drizzles but I don't quite like heavy downpours. Then again, if I were to remind myself to appreciate how water from the skies is necessary to sustain life, it then would not be too bad an idea to have the rain. Of course, I hope for some good weather soon.

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