Title: Leveraging the Universe: 7 Steps to Engaging Life's Magic
Author: Mike Dooley
Publisher: First Atria Book/ Beyond Words (2011)
I was browsing the library book shelves and came across this book. Accessible in its writing, reading this book felt like I was on a journey of life adventurers on the quest to make the best of it.
The seven simple steps to engage life's magic were laid out in each chapter of the book. The seven steps are:
1) Understand Your Power.
2) Chart Your Chart
3) Take Action and Delegate
4) Leverage the Universe
5) Align Your Beliefs
6) Engage the Magic
7) Adjust Your Sails.
It is worth a good read for anyone who wishes to learn more. I learnt that this book is based on the audio book, Leveraging the Universe and Engaging the Magic, published in 2008.