Title: Secrets of Happy Couples
Author: Kim Olver
Publisher: InsiderOut Press, Chicago, Illinois
This book is dedicated to those who want more love in their lives.
The author is a licensed clinical professional counsellor, life coach, founder of Coaching for Excellence LLC and creator of the InsideOut Empowerment process. This book was part of the results of the author spending two years compiling the research and survey data for "Secrets of Happy Couple". This book is about the secrets of happy, satisfied, and committed couples who had been together at least ten years.
So in essence, self-love is the secret ingredient to happy, thriving relationships.
In this book, the author referred to Dr William Glasser's "Eight Lessons for a Happier Marriage". These Healthy Relationship Habits are:
1. Listening
2. Supporting
3. Encouraging
4. Trusting
5. Respecting
6. Accepting
7. Negotiating differences
Yet this book is more than the Eight Healthy Relationship Habits. It sheds light on what the empirical data says about the secrets of happy, satisfied and committed couples. I was reading this book from a professional angle. Yet it is quite a good book to read for any layperson who's married or single, and wants to learn more about healthy relationships.
I am glad that I have finally completed my read of this book after putting it on a long one-year halt in between.