Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Read: Kahn's A Beginner's Guide to Charting Financial Markets

Author: Michael Kahn
Title: A Beginner's Guide to Charting Financial Markets: A practical introduction to technical analysis for investors.

In an endeavour to understand technical analysis so as to have accesss to a tool that could be used to aid in investment decisions, I borrowed this book from the public library.

It is interesting how technical analysis is based solely on data generated by the market and by the actions of the people in the market.

One learning points that I have gained from the book is that technical analysis focuses on how stock prices are moving and how powerful the moves are. Essentially, the technical analysis is achieved by analysing price and volume, and the derivative measures, to ultimately measure supply and demand.

A systematic introductory book to read to appreciate technical analysis. I appreciate the illustrations made by the examples given in the book. At the same time, I felt there were something critical that I could be missing to fully gain sufficient confidence in reading the charts.

Monday, October 02, 2017

Read: David Hawkins' Power vs Force

Author: David R. Hawkins
Title: Power vs Force
Publisher: Hay House

This was a book recommended by one of my friends who so generously lent me the book to read.

A book that builds on applied kinesiology and behavioral kinesiology. I have found it profound and interesting to read. It took me less than a week to read this book.

Do have a good read of this book.

The Foreword in this book is already very inviting, "Imagine - what if you had access to a simple yes-or-no answer to any question you wished to ask? A demonstrably true answer. Any question... think about it."