Sunday, September 03, 2006

I like mustard

This afternoon, I had lunch at one of the Botak Jones outlets. I had Cajun Chicken set and gumbo chicken for lunch.

One thing that I like about Botak Jones is that it provides mustard sauce to its diners to go with the food. I seldom get to see stalls selling Western food in the housing estates providing mustard sauce. The more common sauces provided are chilli sauce and tomato ketchup.

I like mustard sauce. I read that the ingredients contain vinegar and tumeric amongst other items. I don't know if I may like tumeric on its own, but I like the taste and smell of vinegar.

By the way, when I checked out Botak Jones' website for the locations of its stalls, it seemed to indicate that the Clementi outlet should now be opened for business. This outlet should get better business compared to the other outlets since it is much nearer a MRT station.


mistipurple said...

you're making me hungry.

pinkie said...

u like mustard sauce? C likes it too...