Saturday, November 24, 2007

A tag

I was tagged by my friend, JY. Here's my attempt to answer the questions.

1. 2007年最难忘的事是什么?

There is quite a number of unforgettable incidents, and a couple of them are related to playing the double bass. For examples: the d'Bassists concert at Esplanade Concourse and its preparations; and the preparations for the DipABRSM exams particularly with my dear piano accompanist, J.

2. 2008年的愿望是什么?

More avenues and chances to express and contribute my unique life force. (see quote by Martha Graham)

3. 你会为朋友赴汤蹈火吗?

Yes, if it is within my means and does not hurt anyone.

4. 你向往的国家?

Scotland is lovely. Singapore can be a lovely place too if I can live at my own pace.


When I am feeling in-sync.

No one will be tagged for this, unless anyone decides to pick the tag on his/her own.