I am grateful to have learnt to sketch. Sketching is an activity that is at many times therapeutic for me. The mere action of having to sketch what I see onto paper somehow brings me a sense of release. A release of the urges to express.
I used to carry a sketch book with me fairly frequently especially during my undergraduate days. Somehow, having it around gave me a good excuse to just walk about from places to places, watch life pass by, observe, and record things down on the sketch book.
I realised that I don't carry a sketch book nowadays. Perhaps the possession of a digital camera has made it so much easier for me to record my visual world on digital film. Furthermore, I realised that I prefer to sketch on sketch books that are at least A4 in size. Comparatively, it would be easily to carry a digital camera than an A4 sketch book.
Anyway, there are still a few occasions when I would take out my sketch book to sketch. Right below is a sketch that I had done a few months ago of the Singapore Art Museum.
In sketching, my aim is not in the realistic portrayal of the subject matter. Instead, one of my goals is to capture my impression of the subject matter on paper. I would tend to choose subject matter that I can relate to, and use the sketching process as a way to get to observe and to learn about the subject matter in greater depth. Sometimes, strangely, in the process of sketching, I could feel a special connection to the subject matter. The processes involved in sketching are in themselves more fulfilling than the end results. I suppose I just want to feel alive and connected?

Gosh! You sketch too! I can only doodle, the childish type. haha....
Jaymes is still warded, the doctors can't find anything... probably the doctors are incompetent. We are thinking of moving him to another hospital.
Thanks for your concern and messages. :)
Eastcoastlife: I suppose each of us have our gifts. I reckon skteching is a healthy outlet for a introvert like myself.
I am keeping Jaymes and you in my thoughts. Hope he would feel better soon. *Hugs*
that is a lovely sketch. i have always wanted to see them! thanks for posting it!
hope jaymes gets the correct diagnosis soon.
Nice work you got there! How long does it normally take you to complete a sketch?
Get well soon Jaymes. Hope the more experienced doctor can do a better job.
wow, beautiful sketch! :)
Misti: Thank you. Yes, I posted this with you in mind. I remember your request alright.
Doreen: The time taken to sketch would depends on how and what I sketch? For this, I vaguely remember that I took about close to half-an-hour. Someone interrupted me when I was sketching the sketch halfway...so I had spent some time talking with him.
Pinkie: Thank you.
That's very lovely. You captured your inspiration well. I loved art class in high school, my girlfriend and I took it together. My girlfriend went on to be a starving cartoonist. It's a talent I admire. : )
Jammie: Thank you for your compliments. :)
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