Saturday, August 20, 2005

2 Aug 05: On the plane and then presto in London

I shall continue to write to share with you about my recent trip. I hope doing so would help me wake up mentally. Anyway, I better write as much as I can now of the trip, I foresee a mountainful of work on my desk when I return to office for work on the coming Monday. By then, I don't know if I would feel sane enough to have the energy to write about anything except my blues and woes.

So here is quoting direct from selected passages in my tour journal:

"It is 1 a.m. Singapore time. I am now on board Qantas QF15. The plane took off about 20 minutes ago. I hope that the journey to London and Aberdeen would be smooth and safe. I will be stopping over at London's Heathrow Airport and thereafter will transfer to take an internal (domestic) flight to Aberdeen.

There seems to be a storm right outside the plane. The plane feels rather rocky from where I am sitting. I am sitting in one of the seats at the last row of the plane. There certainly seems to be a lot of turbulence outside the plane right now. That should be normal, but I shall be act a little concern, and hope that we will be safe.

Sitting on the same row as myself is a young boy who isn't feeling quite well. I hope he will get better soon.

I think I shall get myself a writing pen when I am in UK. I left the writing pen that I had intended to bring along for the trip at my home. I am now writing with one of my drawing pens.

I am feeling a little tired right now but I'll see if I could sleep at 5 a.m. Singapore time instead. QH, one of the double bassists who is also travelling to Aberdeen, said that doing so may help reduce the effects of jetlag. It does make some sense because there is an about 7 hours of difference between UK time and Singapore time since I was told it is now summer and UK time is tuned to +1 GMT. If I sleep at about 5 a.m. Singapore time and sleep through the rest of the journey, when I wake up it would be close to 7 a.m. London time when I reach London. The flight is about 13 hours. How strange it is that I could lose 7 hours just like that. And if I didn't know my maths and time correct, I would have thought that I had slept only 2 hours when I actually had slept more than that!

There is not much of an excitement to be heading for Aberdeen, but there is some sense of anticipation for my stay in Aberdeen. Some feelings of uncertainties too. I hope all would turn out alright."

Actually, I ended up not sleeping throughout the rest of the journey after 5 a.m. Singapore time. I started sleeping around that time, but woke up about 3 hours later. I watched the shows on the in-flight entertainment system for a while then went to another cycle of 2 - 3 hours of sleep. There was one monitor per passenger. I was told this was considered good facilities by Qantas for those travelling on the KLM flight had to share one screen with a hundred (or slightly fewer) other passengers. Am I not fortunate?

"It is 10.40 a.m. at Heathrow Airport now. I am there waiting for the domestic flight that would leave for Aberdeen. While waiting, I also notice members from a few other musical groups. I could tell so because the prints on their T-shirt told me so. Also a few of them were carrying what look like musical instruments. My hunch tells me that they will be heading for exactly the same destination, i.e. Aberdeen, for the Aberdeen International Youth Festival.

Thank goodness, I have survived the 13 hours long flight from Singapore to London. The flight to Aberdeen should just take about an-hour-and-a-half.

It took a while to clear the rather tight customs and security within Heathrow Airport. We took about an hour just to clear the security.

Now I just hope that things would turn out fine for us in Aberdeen and that I would see myself having a nice double bass to play on when I get there."

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