Sunday, January 21, 2007

Hainan 2006, et cetera

roads leading to the village

I figured that I might have missed posting some of the not-too-bad photos from my trip to Hainan last November, so here's a post with more photos to share.

Neighbours from the villageMy grandmother's neighbours from the village. I heard that they are also my distant relatives.

The hammocks
The hammocks

The house.
The house

My grandmother's neighbour's vicinity
My grandmother's neighbour's vicinity.

My grandmother's neighbour's vicinity.

The yard
The yard

The drainThe drain. There was no sink in the premises of the house, and the folks (including yours truly who was a visitor) brushed my teeth right next to this drain.

Looking towards the door to the kitchen


The countryside

For all my cat-loving readers: This cat kept avoiding me, so I was very lucky to even get a snapshot of it.

Enjoy the sights of Hainan meantime.