Saturday, July 16, 2005

My boyfriend's photo

He's suave. He is charismatic. He has a nice deep voice that pleases the ear. He is huggable.

In the vocabulary of yours truly, a double bass player, here's presenting to you my boyfriend's photo. This is the double bass that I would regularly use when I attend orchestra rehearsals.


mistipurple said...

py, you have two boyfriends then! :p

Waterfall said...

So, do you have a pet name for your boyfriend? Does he have a pet name for you? ;-)

oceanskies79 said...

Pet name. I am not good at giving names. I would refer to him as "my double bass"

I have one husband (the one that sits most of the time at my home).....and one boyfriend...

Occassionally, I play on other double basses. I don't know if I should find names for them.

mistipurple said...

*smack my forehead* i should have known better! ocean could never be a two-timer. never.

oceanskies79 said...

Two timer.

So, if I have one husband and one boyfriend instead of two boyfriends, I would be considered not a two-timer?

Lora said...

Great photo.