My husband, the double bass

He has been named as my husband, but I realised that I could have been more familiar with him if I had spent more time practising on him.
Yesterday, I attended a double bass masterclass and got to hear four different players playing. They each seemed so much more familiar with the instrument than I am. They could reach notes on the higher positions so confidently. This is not within my ease of reach as yet. That reminded me to spend a bit more time with practising on the double bass.
Maybe I have found comfort in my husband because he has understood me well enough? That while he is my husband, he understood that if I were given the freedom to be true to myself, he could not expect my fullest devotion to him. As much as he has an important place in my heart, I would need to be given enough space of my own to find myself.
i hope your future husband, the human would be as considerate as your present husband, the double bass.
(alot of marriages break up because they are not as giving as your double bass husband.)
hmm.. a lesson to learn here.
Yes. this is one lesson to draw from.
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