Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Rhythm and rhythms

Today, I attempted to play the Marcello's Sonata in G minor. The past few days of work on the rhythms seems to have helped improve my sense of rhythm. I am now trying to practise with the metronome. Hopefully, when I start playing with the piano accompaniment, I could keep within the rhythms.

If you would care to humour me at little, please wish me all the best for the music exams. It is close to a month away.


mistipurple said...

i wish you all the best for your exams. relax and enjoy the process. *wink*

oceanskies79 said...

Thank you Misti.

pinkie said...

try your best, all the best! :)

Emy said...


1. Thankx for coming to the Les Six concert! Hopefully we can have more concerts in future. And more serious concerts =)

2. Thanks for your lovely chocolates! They were fantastic.

3. Thanks for 'the beacon of light' message. made me slightly happier, though it didnt solve the problem. Ill see it through I hope.

4 and most importantly. WE CAN PRACTICE MARCELLO ANYTIME! cuz its easy. ridout is harder. And we have rehearsals on wednesday the 7 july. can prac after AGM =)



oceanskies79 said...

Thank you Pinkie. I hope all will go well.

Emily: You are welcome.

I am glad that you like the chocolates. Which favour did you try?

If there's anyway I could lend a ear, let me know. I may not be able to solve the problem, but if lending a ear helps, you have both of my ears (metaphorically though).

Would you like to practise in the daytime? I should be free both in the morning and before 3 p.m.
