Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Antibiotics is Back in my Life

My greetings to antibiotics again. The doctor had requested for a laboratory test to be done and found that I was resistant to the antibiotics that she had prescribed to me.

It was not misconduct of hers that she gave me that type of antibiotics, it took about three to four days to get the test result, and she had to give me some form of treatment. So about six days ago, I was given a type of antibiotics that should be able to have effect on at least 50 - 60 % of bacteria.

It was unfortunate that the bacteria that had infected me was resistant to the antibiotics I was given. But the test showed that the bacteria could have been cleared, as there is not clear signs of the infection. To play safe, however, the doctor put me on yet another dose of antibiotics. Based on the results of the laboratory test, the bacteria that has infected me is sensitive to the antibiotics, and should be eliminated by this course of antibiotics.

Once again, antibiotics is back in my life. Well, I hope to complete my course and then soon not see this friend for a while.

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