Sunday, September 19, 2004

The Merry Widow

There is a touching and enchanting tune that is being broadcasted on 94.2 FM. It is the tune from the Merry Widow.

The Merry Widow is an operatta in 3 acts. The music's composed by Franz Lehar.

The tune reminds me of the time that I was playing with my orchestra to accompany for the operatta (Merry Widow) produced by the Singapore Lyric Opera. The tune still rings in my mind every now and then.

For a synopsis of the operatta, please click here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Merry widow is now one of my favourite operatta. actually, it has been my first and only operatta. but frankly, it is a sure winner, with anyone who likes music. so basically almost everybody.

i also like it for its catchy and easy to hum tunes. but i also like the plot.

also thanks to my good friend who introduced to me to operatta. no regrets. die die must try.

so if you are curious after reading my posts, you can either visit the links provided and get your butt off your seat and go grab a copy of the music.

yup yup.