Friday, February 24, 2006

It's 24 Feb 06

It is 24 Feb 06.

Today happens to be the birthday of one of our fellow bloggers. I shall not mention her name since she does not like too much attention. Happy Birthday.

And in about 19 hours later, it will be time for the concert. I am hoping for the miracle that the turn-out would be good.

How could I tell myself that all that matters is that I enjoy playing the music? I do. The only regret might be that few people might be there to share the music with us.

I am not feeling hopeful, as many people in Singapore tend to buy tickets at least a few days in advance before the concert. I could only hope that I was wrong.

The pianist, Maestro Konstantin Scherbakov, who will be playing the Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 21 is a fine musician worthy of respect. I think he has the qualities of an exemplary professional musician. He has a homepage of his own:

If you would like to hear him play, do support our concert. Here are the details:

A Night of Enchantment
by NUS Symphony Orchestra (NUSSO) with Konstantin Scherbakov
National University of Singapore, University Cultural Centre, Hall, Friday, 24 February 2006, 7.30 p.m.

Tickets at $13 each (includes SISTIC fees).

The programme:
Mozart - Magic Flute
Mozart - Piano Concerto No. 17
Brahms - Symphony No. 2


oceanskies79 said...

Thanks for the kind thoughts SA.

Anonymous said...

I wish you the best of luck tonight. You'll do great!

oceanskies79 said...

thanks Kunstemaecker

mistipurple said...

thank you for being a good friend. :)