Wednesday, September 07, 2005


When one world's enveloped
By sorrows and pains
Then even when there's all peace in
The world external
The world internal
Still rages from inside out

If one may mistakenly vent
Through an outlet not meant to be
Likely it would end in misunderstanding
So let it be
Evil or spiteful
One in pain could not care less to be known as these

It must have been the ups and downs
Or could it be that from growing?
Sometimes the fear is
One would be lost and never found

Sometimes it could feed creativity
Sometimes it could cloud one's vision
The former it could spin a work of art
The latter it could hurt one's sanity

In what shapes and forms
It would still have a door
Waiting for the eye discerning
To open
And seek solace and find
That all shall be temporary and
Shall pass


mistipurple said...

i am around. i am also a complex person. we both have doors which need opening, but i will be around for you, whenever. :)

oceanskies79 said...

Thanks folk, for being comforting.